Get a unified view of all your devices.

Printanista Hub software provides critical printing data from most major manufacturers in one place. The flexible subscription-based, scalable, cloud-based service model seamlessly connects with your ERP with no up-front investment in hardware, software, or IT resources.

Owners and C-Suite

Printanista is a cloud-based applications designed to simplify meter collection, billing, supplies, and service delivery, enabling an exceptional customer experience regardless of your customer's print environment.

Drive efficiencies through:

  • Synchronizing information with your ERP
  • Automating supplies fulfillment
  • Reducing error-prone manual processes
  • Allowing customizable service and supply notifications

With over 20 years of experience, 100,000+ devices in our model database, and our award-winning data collection agent, let us manage your devices so you can focus on driving business growth.


Sales Team

Understand which contracts, down to the device level, are profitable and which are costing you money. Automate your invoices based on accurate meter reads, streamline your supplies delivery, and improve your service first-call success rate to build your margins.

Build your contracts based on both or either automate supply fulfillment or supply-triggered sales. With automated fulfillment, you can set the percentage level or estimated days to empty for all your devices under contract. When a device hits the threshold value you specified, we will generate and send a shipment order to your ERP. Finally, the consumable is shipped directly to your customers. Or conversely, when a customer’s toner cartridge is almost empty, a supply-triggered alert feature sends an email to your client with a link to your toner store.

Maintain your margins regardless of contract type!


MPS Admin

Stop doing manual meter reads! Get fast, accurate information.

Our data collection agent (DCA) provides users with flexible deployment options, reduces operational costs, and simplifies device management. The low-cost design allows you to monitor more devices, and this flexibility enables you to manage supplies and reduce your service costs proactively. Within the user interface, we have three key views to simplify your day-to-day:

  • Technical—basic device information including device name, supplies status, device status, yesterday’s meter count, serial number, IP address, location, and last active date
  • Supplies—displays supply-related information, including toner levels or status, and order supplies
  • Alerts—see the customer name, number of devices with recent alerts, and a link to view alert details for each device

Our solutions allow you to manage an entire print environment regardless of manufacturer or end-user environment, with a single tool for control and accountability.


Inventory Manager

Whether your sales team contracts based on automated supply fulfillment or supply-triggered sales, you will have the right inventory delivered at the right time. Use Estimated Days to Empty (EDTE) to predict the date/time that a given supply will reach an empty state. Enabling you to alert on this value is the first step toward providing more predictive analytics in device monitoring. Using EDTE, you can order your supplies from any preferred vendors to be drop-shipped to your customers' locations.


Stop worrying about capturing device data. Find out how we can help.